Friday, September 12, 2008

Unexpected gratitude ...

It was the fateful day, I was distributing the salary raise letters and bonus letters to all my employees.
This happens normally once in a year.

One of my employees, who has done very well last year, I was handing over the letter to him. He has done well. And expectedly his salary raise was very good.

I was expecting happiness on his face after seeing the mail. And selfishly looking at some gratitide on his part for me. Although in big scheme of things, I am just the messenger.

This person, takes me by surprise.

He did not even bother to look at his letter. He said me, that he is grateful to me no matter what is written on the letter, he will remain grateful to me.

I was shocked, internally though I was able to maintain a straight face. I was wondering why.
Then he goes on to explain, that 2 years ago, his wife had an major accident. And while he had a deliverable at work. Critical one.

He narrated how I took care of the situation. How I asked him to focus on family and told stories to others and delayed the deliverable.

How I was able to accommodate the accident and made him focus on family without much impact on the deliverable.
The narration almost brought tears in my eyes. Although, to be honest I did not remember any of that till he described it in detail.

He said, he would have never nagged me even if I ve not given him any raise.
Think about unconditional gratitude. Think about how long it lasts.

I learnt a lesson from him today. To count my blessings, and be grateful to people who have shaped my life. Unconditionally !


Abhinav said...

However much we talk about teamwork, collaboration, and other feel-good concepts, in reality very few leaders walk the talk in the corporate world - whatever the reasons. It's a good fortune to interact with such people, and I'm happy I do so regularly with a couple of them :)

DivSu said...

Wow! This is seriously straight-face material :) I am sure he wasn't exaggerating :) Its feels good to have you around, for sure!