Wednesday, December 29, 2010

.. and they said "Betaal could not be coached !!"

sorry for the egoistic title !

In years, I ve taken my first ever long vacation without having to open my hand bag at the airport.
Yes ! No carrying laptop... !

I always thought it would be a torture. For someone addicted to looking at screen and hoping for clear the mailbox and when done, waiting for the next mail.. it was a supposed to be a torture. But then, I gave up tobacco last year "Cold Turkey" !

Not a big deal ! Phew ..

I packed five books of different tastes instead in my hand bag.

Started with Paulo Choelho - "Brida" and "The witch of Portebello". As usual, typical Pualo. There were re-inforcement of many mythical other readings I ve done. Then the magnificently described "Dreams from my father" by none other than Barack Obama ! Loved the book. And more over could relate to every emotion depicted in that book.

Followed by Google story - not much to learn, but inspirational.

And finally (what ?? you may ask) "Sex and human loving" but three Doctors ! This was like, well - no one needs to learn "How to eat, self defend or procreate !" But a lot has been written on the fundamental rights that God gives at birth to each living being, irrespective whether one's is born in China or USA :)

Point is - no TV and no Laptop was NO problem ! Really !! 8 long days. And plenty to learn and evaluate and think and practice !!

Betaal can be coached - in absence of action and ego ! 

Next milestone is   "Do nothing for few days" !

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Transport Business

Whether shipping people in a car or shipping information packets over networking devices, there is huge similarity between these two businesses.

- Both need to transport their objects, reliably
- Although the job is same, there will be many models of cars and many models of routers. Varying sizes and capacities
- The fancy cars will cost more. There will be a moon roof, which will cost a fortune, but one may not use it. Same with expensive switches, some fancy lil feature
- When cars used to sell only in USA and advanced countries, they used to be fancy, big, luxurious ... the same makers struggling to make cheap hatchbacks for India and emerging. Its the same in routing / switching - the latest trend is "low cogs" devices for Emerging countries !

With all these, networking industry can learn a lot from locomotive, which is 100yrs older that it.

Now, why did Nano fail exactly despite low cogs ????