Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thinking "inside" the box !

A lot happens out there in name of thinking "outside" the box. A lot good. And a far lot chaos !
There are many motivations today to think outside the box -
1. To break away from competition with something new
2. To be visible and for personal growth and blowing self horn
3. To look different and cool
While, as long as the result is good, any of the approach is good, the pre-requisite of thinking outside the box is not met by all who do so. For the gloss and rush of it !
Someone to be successful in thinking out side the box, need to at least know, what is inside the box. Else, this aids illegitimate birth of many dis-jointed, chaotic ideas which do not build on one another. And fail to stand on their own.
There is a *single* problem chansing a business today where I work. And most of the big heads, have chased the think outside the box dream to make it more unreasonable.
Time to look inside the box !

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