Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Means of communication !

Ever wondered how many different ways we have to communicate today ? Tele-communicate to be specific !

Telephone. Texting. IMs. e-mails. Video conferencing etc. etc.

I ve come across a simple combo tool combination that works magic during the late night customer calls that are part of our job.

When multiple people are on a conference, people belonging to many functions and many sides of negotiation - surprising things come up ! Surprise questions that take you off-guard !

And if you the one talking, or the one listening while one of your team is talking, there is a risk of being out-of-sync right on the call ! Can be very embarrassing.

So while talking on telephone, keeping the IM window open in a chat group with your team, to react to such surprises in a cohesive synchronous way is very helpful !

Bring on the methods of communications, Betaal says ! ;)

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