Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Betaal is either arrogant or un-coachable :)

The City and the intellectuals staying in this city - all are raving about this "Landmark Education". Something that changes lives. Makes better spouses. Better kids. Better citizens. Fixes most of the problems above the shoulder.

Its a 4 days course (9AM to 11PM !!! ) about making one internally strong and see the right prospective.

Most of the people who came out of the course, say that at the end of the four days, its almost an orgasmic feeling ! Trans followed by tranquility ! And the Ohhhh of "I get it now".

Obviously intrigued by this, Betaal went for a Saturday intro class. This is offered as a miniature version for the people to see what is it and then sign on for the 4 day course that costs good amount of money !

As many other self-improvement trainings, this one started with one problem to pick, impact on current behavior because of the problem, missing actions, new possibilities - different stages.

After 3-4 hours betaal did not have any thing close to the orgasmic trance ! A few super-powerful ways of thinking that betaal does almost all sober moments of his life ;)

Truly arrogant or hopelessly un-coachable I say !

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