Monday, March 30, 2009

IT education in India

One of the top IT training providers in the country is trying to set up India's only IT university, a large one with a mission of producing employable students.

So far so good !

The VP of the company asked for a slot to talk to me y'day on what are the stuff missing in the existing PG courses in India that industry would like to see taught in school.

It was a good discussion - I applaud their ambition to set up a curriculum based on feedback from the industry people.

To summerize my thoughts on this topic -

1. PG courses do need to expose students to large development with the entire one class (24 students) working in a team and developing and testing and integrating together.

2. PG courses do need to expose students to "incremental work" on large established systems. This is what 90% of the Indian IT Companies do.

3. The casteism around Dev vs. Test need to go. There should be specialized Test courses.

4. The impact of IT on socio-political environment, and the implications of the digital divide in a country like India

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