Monday, January 19, 2009

Sweet taste of "self reliance"

Do It Yourself .. at least the stuff that is designed to do ourselves :)

Today, I had a flat tyre. Its not that I am having it for the first time. It has happened earlier. But then I had a driver who knew how to do it right.

Now that my driver has found a new expat employee who pays a lot more, I am left on my own with two set of tools.

1. The one I use for most of my problems - Phone / PDA

2. The Jack, wrench and other mechanical stuff !

For a change, I tried to use tool set 2. There was a manual in the car that said how to change the flat tyre with the spare one. Where to locate the spare, the tools etc.

So, I got down to work. And surprisingly, it was easy !!! This tiny lil bit of self reliance adds a lot to road confidence.

A few months ago, I was not ready to drive myself !!!

Ironically, I am getting these sweet opportunities, once my driver left for an expat. Who in his own country, did every thing himself. In India, he is having people do his DIYs :)

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