Wednesday, July 30, 2008

It's the intention that counts or does it ?

It's good to be back in a training room for a week. It forces you out of the avalanche of emails and action items.
It is a welcome change and worth the 25 hour flight in economy class and jet lag.
Here is a small episode that I came across this morning.
In a casual conversation between X and Y about flights and travel etc.
"X" syas : "The Lufthansa Seats are the most uncomfortable seats I ve ever seen."
It is part of the whole chit-chat and discussion. But right after this statement "Y" is visibly not so much friendly and amicable.
Infact the conversation ended pretty soon after.
"X" is Indian born American. "Y" is "German". Lufthansa is a German national carrier and a matter of pride for Germany.
I am sure "X" did not intend to offend anyone.

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