Friday, November 21, 2008

Talking and thinking ..

After 3 days of 5-6 hr long meetings on supposedly critical BU initiatives.. this is what my conclusion is -

There are 3 kinds of people.

1. Who talk before they think. They stink !

2. Who think so much that by the time they talk - its too late ! History !

3. Some who think and talk at the same time. Half of them have right thought. Half the right talk.

Betaal wants the fourth category in this org.


DivSu said...

As per S, second are highly intellectual, third are spontaneous. We should ask her to categorize the first and the new fourth ;)

Unknown said...

talks that trigger thoughts? and then there are thoughts that best remain as thoughts and shouldnt be talked, and there are talks that best remain as talks and shouldnt be thought?? :-D