Wednesday, August 26, 2009

That extra *something* ....

Some wise guys said long time ago "If you keep doing whatever you are doing, you will keep getting what you getting".

Well ! That's right in most cases. Unless you are a gold digger and actually find gold one day on that sandy beach !

Something, my gym trainer helped me to understand in a very hard way !

When he says I ve to do 16 reps of a particular weight, and I am *DONE* by 14th, my engineering head tells me - "what will go so right with just 2 more reps? I ve gotten enough". But then he explains, those two are the most valuable ones.
As they are right beyond your comfort zone. Right beyond what your muscles are used to. If you give up at 14, the muscle wont feel the need to get stronger. You did not stretch it.

Makes sense now !! YES ..

And, amazing parallel I could draw to the corporate life. People who grow successfully, stretch that comfort zone of developing / testing / deal making / decision making ! One notch at a time. And many other wonderful employees stay where they are, still doing excellent job within their comfort zone.

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