Saturday, August 6, 2011

Role Reversal !

Mixed feelings ! My younger brothers, who until few years ago, were my responsibilities to large extend- education, marriage, housing all the typical things human being does to "settle down". I was the one helping them through all the phases, at every stage feeling proud of their progress and their success. At every stage feeling satisfied about being able to take care of brotherly duties.

But, all of a sudden, there is a role reversal. My younger ones buy me the single malt, that I thought would be awesome but way too expensive. My younger ones book the resort for that beach vacation and don't let me pick up the bill !

Its different feeling for sure. I am still proud. But at the same time, I am a bit depressed too. Did they grow up so fast ? May be I enjoyed taking care of them too much.. ? Not sure what it is. But its a weird feeling.. where happiness, sadness, confusion - all mixed up !

End of the day, its very very good !!!

1 comment:

DivSu said...

You enjoyed the single malt I am sure ;)