Monday, March 28, 2011

Communication Breakdown ..

Today I had a visitor from another building, another department - desperate to get out of his current job and find new opportunity inside the company ! Not an old friend, however - we have a common friend, was he wanted to come over and spill his heavy heart in front of me .. betaal obliged !

Here is the story !

This guy is clearly the "hardest working" of the team. Offloads his boss and super-boss from most of the mundane process driven job. Manages small pool of employees independently without being a manager.

BUT - he constantly reminds the management about his growth, his promotion that is pending, his designation as a manager.

The management has given the promotion. And not yet sure about whether the designation "Manager" is proper yet. In the mean time the employee has gone ahead, ramped up his game, picked up more responsibility, did a bit of business development too.

Then the employee gets a bit more confidence with his new expanded role and went to his management chain and said to consider or he would look for alternatives.

The manager said to find someone in the team and ramp him/her up to his level - which he did :)

Poor guy, he did not know once that happened, his manager told him to "Go find a job within 2 months".

A pure case of communication breakdown because of irritation. The employee was irritated as he felt no one is recognizing his work. The Manager was irritated by constant asking for the promotion.

Now a perfectly good and effective employee is on the look out just to survive !

1 comment:

Bikram said...

No Communication issue. He just got the ordering wrong.

Should have first looked for a job, and /then/ threatened/blackmailed for a promotion. Would have been a win-win for the management as well as employee.