Sunday, August 19, 2012

progressive lenses .. regressive technology

Its a master con, that I should have deciphered on my own. With the slightest bit of logical reasoning.

A pair of glasses, that cost a fortune, would heal the dent on the pride when one turns 40. huh !! !

Bi-focal vs. multi-focal a.k.a Progressive lenses. The moment of truth always occurs after its over.. aint it ?

These damned pair of expensive glasses, come with lots of pain - headache, botched vision.

And, it was all so clear - simple logic like "glass once made is fixed, and its the eye muscles that need to do all the work to make sure the progressive glasses progress well".

But the logic failed, once again, on time :)

Warning to all those becoming 40, and I am sure all of you will be. When you go to your ophthalmologist to check your sight, don't buy the progressive lens crap. Never !

Its regressive !! hiding behind progressive .. and painful too.

1 comment:

DivSu said...

Very jumbled up post, can see your pain behind it ;) I hope you chucked them already!