Look closely at the picture. The top white box is a automatic, zero-touch, hand cleaner / sanitiser.
These equipments flooded the office buildings recently when Swine Flu got its media space.
This is supposed to keep the hands of the employees clean. All one got to do is place the hand below it.
It has optical sensor to fingure out that something is below it. And it will dispense around 2 ml of this dis-infectant liquid on
to one's palms.
Cool functionality - when one looks at it stand alone.
Now, look at the black rectangle below it. It is a batdge reader. Again another brilliant safety feature for corporations. Anyone who has a valid badge
will have to show this on the rectangle box. The box validates the identity and opens the door.
Again ! Cool standalone device.
The black badge reader is incumbent member of this real estate, while the pig-fear got the while sanitizer to the space later.
Now, together these two wonderful devices have a problem. Every one coming through the door raises the badge to the bar reader. Right below the
dispenser. The dispenser notes movement below it and drops the dis-infectant.
100s of people come through the door everyday. Needless to say all the dis-infectant leaks just because people have to swipe the badges.
Two wonderful devices, integrated makes a money wasting combo !
Or is it a feature ? It mandates the spills on every entrant ???
Haha. How on earth you managed to find that I don't know, but you make a valid and, you would think rather obvious point. It's a wonder how businesses actually come up with these incredible idea's.
Interestingly today's bad ideas get sold as the next best thing to slice bread :) Marketing has become the new favorite space to innovate.
Thanks for your comments. Dont know if you are a regular reader of my blog and can not figure out from the screen name !
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