Now a days, everyone has a comment or two about the economy. Its on the top of everyone's mind. So, no wonder Betaal also has a comment.
Focus - Airlines in India.
Airlines in India are making huge losses. Lot of competition. Low fair. And operating cost is high.
However, there are two voices being heard from airlines, both the credit meltdown.
First - Asking govt. to give USD 1B bail-out package to ride them through the odd phase of economy.
Betaal thinks, it is a bad idea. Bad economic phases should innovate new business practices to get out of the slump. Not ask for ordinary tax payers money to bail them out. In my mother tongue there is a saying which translates like this -
" The miserly and the sincerely save money for their rainy day. When the rainy day comes, they dont need that money as much as the flamboyant, luxury seekers. But the same flamboyant lux people get away with the miserly and the sinierly money"
Second - Two big airlines, decided not to compete. Optimize flight timings, share code and destinations that do not carry full load all the time.
Right thing to do - Betaal thinks !
The Changing Contours of Innovation in India
5 years ago
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